Who Is Your Critic?

When you're creating something, the haters always seem to emerge. That can't be done. Who do you think you are? That's not your job. You're not qualified. The only criticism you should ever take to heart are from people in the arena.  Who have put themselves out there and are creating, just like you.  Sure,… Continue reading Who Is Your Critic?

NHS Startup Part VI – Screw It, Let’s Do It

I've just given the green light to my developers to go ahead and start building our product. It was a bank holiday weekend the last three days and each night I've been tossing and turning.  So many thoughts go through your head when you're about to sink most of your savings into a project. But… Continue reading NHS Startup Part VI – Screw It, Let’s Do It

Are We Going Around In Circles?

I was having induction at my new Family Practice a month ago.  This was so I understood how the practice worked before I started seeing my patients on my own. Insanely insightful seeing all these patients go on their journey after being seen by the doctor.  Doctors have to collect data and trial a lot of… Continue reading Are We Going Around In Circles?

Focus On the Negative 

Why is it that when the phone rings we assume the worst? Ring ring. "Hello, Rakeeb, I need to talk to you about a patient you saw yesterday.  Please can you see me after your clinic is over?" The narrative in my mind started immediately.  "I must have done something wrong...I hope they didn't end… Continue reading Focus On the Negative 

She’s Got My Back

I think I was in fourth year of medical school.  I went to medical school in Prague, Czech Republic.  And yeah, yeah it was an amazing experience and everything, but generally speaking the Czech people aren't particularly "nice" people in my experience*. I remember once we were in the University Hospital.  Me, my girlfriend and… Continue reading She’s Got My Back

The Instructions Will Kill You

"You will be part of the crash team and if you are the first on the scene will need to lead the cardiac arrest scenario" "You will be involved in the major trauma calls and carry out procedures such as chest drains etc." "If a patient turns violent then you must press the panic button… Continue reading The Instructions Will Kill You

The Worst Thing That Could Happen to a Doctor

Being a GP is tricky because anything could walk through your door.  My yesterday evening clinic for example had a mother who presented with inflamed polymorphic eruption of pregnancy, a patient who had been bitten by insects while gardening, a patient with a flare up of her rheumatoid arthritis, a one year old with viral… Continue reading The Worst Thing That Could Happen to a Doctor