Pareto’s Principle

Anyone that's ran a business before or been involved in management will have come across Pareto's Principle at some point. It's the principle that says that 80% of your results come from 20% of your effort.  An example would be having a look at your client list and seeing where your revenue comes from.  Most… Continue reading Pareto’s Principle

Start With Why – Simom Sinek

What's you why? Another great great book that I have to write about!  Simon Sinek's book is so powerful, yet the concept is so simple! What's the common denominator between Tesla motors, Martin Luther King and Apple? Why is it that people queue up outside to put their deposit down for the new Tesla car, when historically… Continue reading Start With Why – Simom Sinek

NHS Startup Part VII – Don’t Make Me Think

So I met with my software developers today and I think they've pretty much nailed it.  It was actually really incredible, because I hardly gave them any direction in what I wanted the app to look like.  I just told them what functionality I wanted in detail and told them to be as creative as they… Continue reading NHS Startup Part VII – Don’t Make Me Think

NHS Innovation Expo & Updates!

Sorry it's been a bit quiet around here guys!  It's been really busy for the last couple of weeks! Essentially, I've got a lot of frogs in my bowl at the moment and I'm trying to make sure that nothing jumps out! I've been studying for an exam I will be doing in October.  If… Continue reading NHS Innovation Expo & Updates!

Don’t Walk

Don't Walk........ Often we interpret things incorrectly. If you see a "don't walk" sign, how do you know that it's telling you to stand still.  Maybe you should be running instead, to avoid danger? Learning to look at things in a different way is a massively useful skill. We all have problems in our life, but learning to look at… Continue reading Don’t Walk