Why Your Degree Is Useless, Why The Company You Work For Is Full Of Idiots & Why Nothing Works!!!

It seems that further education is not producing productive graduates with a valuable skill set.  As a result, young graduates are not able to find jobs and a lot of them are having to do unpaid internships. Just the other day when I was out for dinner I had a quick chat with a waitress. … Continue reading Why Your Degree Is Useless, Why The Company You Work For Is Full Of Idiots & Why Nothing Works!!!

Build Something A Few People Love

 "It's better to make a few people really happy than to make a lot of people semi-happy." - Paul Buchheit This is a common saying amongst tech entrepreneurs.  Successful tech entrepreneurs have noted that something which a few people really love is always better than something which only a few people merely like somewhat. This… Continue reading Build Something A Few People Love

Healthcare & Volatility

Working At Scale General Practice / Primary Care has been around for a long time in the UK (since 1911).  It is currently going through a massive transition due to funding cuts by the government, the pressures of having to deal with today's needy patients and the increased work load being transferred from Secondary Care… Continue reading Healthcare & Volatility

NHS Startup Part XVII – The End

Gosh, it's been a long time since I posted about my startup. I've decided that this will be the last blog post which talks about the minutiae of my startup and the challenges a new company in the healthcare scene has to face in the UK. The reason this will be the last update is… Continue reading NHS Startup Part XVII – The End