The Business Of Medicine

There's something unique about the business of medicine. In a traditional business such as a burger joint, if you have more customers and sell more burgers, then the restaurant owner will make more money. But in medicine, the more patients a clinic sees and the more patients a hospital serves, the less money they often… Continue reading The Business Of Medicine

Don’t Say That!

"I stink, therefore I tram." I spent some time living in Prague, Czech Republic.  The summers would get really hot and I couldn't help but notice that the Czechs had a strange aversion to deodorants.  This would become painfully obvious when riding the public trams.  I wasn't the only person that noticed this, but of… Continue reading Don’t Say That!

This Is Why You’re Wrong About The Future Of The NHS

The large majority of the public don't know anything about health and therefore healthcare provision. The majority of journalists and politicians who write and speak about the NHS don't know anything about working in healthcare and therefore the realities of delivering healthcare to actual patients. If these two statements are true, then it's safe to… Continue reading This Is Why You’re Wrong About The Future Of The NHS

Life Isn’t Fair, But If You Don’t Get This Simple Point You’ll Always Be A Sucker

Life is very unfair.  As much as we all wish that the success we enjoy in life is a direct consequence of our well thought out actions and intentions, it probably isn't.  If you were born poor in rural Bangladesh, could you still confidently say that your quality of life would be as good as… Continue reading Life Isn’t Fair, But If You Don’t Get This Simple Point You’ll Always Be A Sucker

“Disruption” Is For Fools

Every week there seems to be a news story on how an app has been developed to "disrupt" the healthcare industry.  I despise what this term has come to mean and as soon as I hear someone say it, I know I'm speaking with a fool. "The Uber of Healthcare!" "The Amazon of prescription drugs!"… Continue reading “Disruption” Is For Fools

Your Perception Of Money Is Why You’re Poor

 A Quick Anecdote About Getting Into Shape When I was a Junior Doctor, I would often say bye to the receptionists and admin team on my way out for the day.  They're usually sat near the exit of any given ward or clinic, so it would be awkward to not at least nod and smile. … Continue reading Your Perception Of Money Is Why You’re Poor

Why Your Degree Is Useless, Why The Company You Work For Is Full Of Idiots & Why Nothing Works!!!

It seems that further education is not producing productive graduates with a valuable skill set.  As a result, young graduates are not able to find jobs and a lot of them are having to do unpaid internships. Just the other day when I was out for dinner I had a quick chat with a waitress. … Continue reading Why Your Degree Is Useless, Why The Company You Work For Is Full Of Idiots & Why Nothing Works!!!