“Disruption” Is For Fools

Every week there seems to be a news story on how an app has been developed to "disrupt" the healthcare industry.  I despise what this term has come to mean and as soon as I hear someone say it, I know I'm speaking with a fool. "The Uber of Healthcare!" "The Amazon of prescription drugs!"… Continue reading “Disruption” Is For Fools

Your Perception Of Money Is Why You’re Poor

 A Quick Anecdote About Getting Into Shape When I was a Junior Doctor, I would often say bye to the receptionists and admin team on my way out for the day.  They're usually sat near the exit of any given ward or clinic, so it would be awkward to not at least nod and smile. … Continue reading Your Perception Of Money Is Why You’re Poor

Artificial Un-Intelligence

Before I started my tech startup Artificial Intelligence (AI) really wasn't on my radar.  I was somewhat aware of autonomous driving vehicles, but apart from that I didn't see how AI was going to have an impact in my life. Even now when I meet with other tech entrepreneurs, the discussion surrounding AI often causes… Continue reading Artificial Un-Intelligence