We’re All Biased

You can consider optimism and pessimism as two different types of biases. "Optimists" supposedly see the world in a way where things are better than they actually are. "Pessimists" supposedly see the world in a way where things are worse than they actually are. "Realists" are meant to be the people who see the world… Continue reading We’re All Biased

Time As Arbitrage

Be very weary of anything which will reduce the time you have to accomplish something. Time is undervalued and underappreciated.   Sometimes it's tempting to do something which will give you a short term gain, but that will reduce the time you have to accomplish X,Y and Z. For example if you take anabolic steroids, it may… Continue reading Time As Arbitrage

Brain-Damaged In The Same Way

It's ok for people to not agree with you. However, if someone doesn't agree with you but then goes on to say exactly what every other sheep would say then that means you're talking to a fool. When talking to people who are brain-damaged in the same way, realise that they're thoughts have been hijacked.… Continue reading Brain-Damaged In The Same Way