Still Or Sparkling?

When you're asked at a restaurant if you would like "still or sparkling water?", what do you say? Often we do things in a certain way without asking why. It starts off innocently enough in school. We get shown how to tie our shoes the tried and tested way, so that we don't have to… Continue reading Still Or Sparkling?

What Your Mother Can Teach You About Sales

(Before I tell you this story, I would just like to say a big thank you to my mother.  She's really an amazing woman and this is just one of the many indirect lessons she has taught me over the years.) I had a crisis of confidence before I started medical school.  I nearly didn't… Continue reading What Your Mother Can Teach You About Sales

“Mind The Gap”

"Please mind the gap". It's a phrase that is announced over and over again on the London Underground. When I was a child I would avoid "the gap" at all costs. It was a terrifying idea; falling into "the gap" would surely result in immediate death...or worse...having to come face to face with some kind… Continue reading “Mind The Gap”

Are Your E-Mails Making You Look Like A Douche Bag?

Why is it that when we receive E-Mails from large organisations there is a threatening message attached to the bottom? Here is an image of an E-Mail I received when I used to work as a doctor in the Emergency Department: No doubt this footer was cooked up by a room full of overpaid lawyers… Continue reading Are Your E-Mails Making You Look Like A Douche Bag?